Brooks Brothers
Enhancing Brooks Brothers Spring Collection with Visual Effects
White Rhino VFX helped Brooks Brothers enhance their branded advertisements by applying sky replacements to change the look and feel of their spring collection campaign.
Founded in 1818, Brooks Brothers is a mature and prestigious retail brand that offers classic American-style clothing, quality craftsmanship, and timeless designs. Approached by Colorist Human and Director Robert Smith, White Rhino VFX helped the brand enhance its new advertisements for its spring collection campaign.
Using matte painting, White Rhino VFX replaced the skies in the promos with brighter shades of blue and added more clouds to break up the monotony of the sky. Moving on, White Rhino VFX also used some post-processing effects like vignettes and glows to accentuate the mood and tone of each shot.
The final result was a beautiful combination of fashion and cinematography that allows viewers to feel as though they are walking in the model's shoes.